
We treat everything — from your head to your toes. If you don’t see what you need help with below, reach out and ask. We have specialists in all areas of physical therapy.

people mountain biking after physical therapy

A few of the things we can help you with

Back and Neck Pain

That tension in your neck when you look over your shoulder in a parking lot? That ache in the back after you shovel the driveway? Most Americans know what a stiff neck or painful back feels like. It’s the most common place people hurt and an area that Precision has solid expertise in. Our Doctor’s of Physical Therapy has comprehensive training in not only examining why you hurt, but have the tools to get you feeling better.

Shoulder Pain

Picture this- spring time, your son is signed up for t-ball and you are gonna show him a few things. The session was fun…but you woke up the next day and now you can’t reach into the cupboard for your coffee cup without grimacing. We can help with that. Whether you need to throw a stick to your dog, sleep through the night or put your shirt on without pain, we’ve got you covered.

Hip Pain

You know, that tight muscle on the front of your hip that hurts? The hip that hurts when you lay on your side, makes you flip over and leaves you restless at night? Those hamstrings you’ve stretched for the past 15 years that never seem to loosen up? As Shakira says, hips don’t lie. We know what they need. Some hands on treatment to make em happy and some good corrective exercises to make them strong.

Knee Pain

You look at stairs as the enemy? Want to climb that peak but dread coming downhill after that summit picture? Or just can’t make it through Costco without limping? We know how to make your knees as strong and happy as they can be!

Ankle / Foot

Bottom of the foot really hurt those first few steps? Achilles hurt after weekend warrior basketball? Sprain your ankle dancing at your sister’s wedding? We’ve seen it all and we know how to get you back to living your best life.

Pre / Post Op

Our valley is packed with wonderful surgeons with exceptional skills. We work closely with these doctors to get you prepared for surgery and take you through the best protocols after surgery to ensure you recover to your fullest potential.

Worker's Compensation

Montana is full of tough jobs and tough people. Sometimes things happen and you get hurt at work. We have the equipment, training and time necessary to make sure you get the comprehensive recovery you need so you can get back to work feeling as good as possible.

Concussion / MVA / Whiplash

Having difficulty concentrating after crashing on Big Mountain? Difficulty sleeping and irritible after that recent car crash? Often overlooked and under-treated, post-concussion rehabilitation is finally getting the attention it deserves in the medical community. We have specialized training in helping you heal with a comprehensive approach utilizing proven techniques in addition to providing the only Reflexion neuro-training system in Montana.

Pelvic Floor

Losing control with jump ropes and deadlifts? Pain during activities that shouldn’t be painful? We have specialized training to help make these scenarios a thing of the past.



Don’t see what you’re looking for? We probably do that too.

We treat everything – from your head to your toes. If you don’t see your condition above, reach out and ask. We have specialists in all areas of physical therapy.